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303 x 364 cm
Tecido à mão
Special Price 6 364 € IVA incluído Regular Price 9 790 € IVA incluído
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As cores do tapete parecem diferentes, dependendo do ângulo de onde se olha para ele.


Mais informação
Ref. do artigoVAN207896
Tipo de produçãoTecido à mão
Tamanho303 x 364 cm
Espessura10 mm
IdadeAntigua >80 años
Nós por m²~ 160 000 / m²


The city of Kerman is situated in South Eastern Iran, 1000 km south of Tehran in the Dasht-e-Lut desert. It is considered to be one of the major carpet producing areas of Iran and unlike other parts of Persia, Kerman was able to flourish with relatively little interference and invasions from the outside world due to it’s remote and isolated geographical location. Kerman weavers were thus able to perfect their carpet skills in peace and as a result their artistic creativity flourished. The colour and dying skills of the region were unparalleled and the dyers of Kerman became famous for producing delicate and subtle light colour hues, not found elsewhere. Kerman carpets typically feature rich traditional red and blue backgrounds that are beautifully ornamented with lighter and more intricate floral, vase-like and curvilinear designs. Carpets with central medallions and richly decorated fields of flowers, vases with oversized palmettes and thick floral borders are also characteristic to the region of Kerman. The carpets are still considered to be among the most elegant and refined of Persian carpets. In the 1920s, American demand grew and to meet the market, lower quality carpets were manufactured with simpler design and less varied color combinations. This trend has slowly changed, and in the last 40 years, carpets of higher quality and knot density, with more diverse color variations and traditional Safavid patterns have begun to find their way back to the market.
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Senneh Patina
Senneh Patina
286 x 375 cm
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Ziegler Shabargan
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Gabbeh loom
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Boulogne - Nain
Boulogne - Nain
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Kilim Moderno
Kilim Moderno
188 x 226 cm
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Liquidação de Estoque: 399 € / 599 € / 899 €
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Ziegler Shabargan
76 x 256 cm
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Gabbeh loom
Gabbeh loom
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Tabriz 50 Raj
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Claremont - Ziegler
170 x 230 cm
Special Price 129 € IVA incluído Regular Price 296 € IVA incluído
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En Vouge - Berber
En Vouge - Berber
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Constance - Nain
Constance - Nain
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